Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Lift your spirit high

There are about too many factors that can dampen your spirit and cease your energy from being as bubbly as can be, if you allow the environment to rule your world.However, taking charge of your feelings and situations is one distinction that determines the wholeness of your existence, which most be of utmost priority to you.

To actively take charge of your physical,mental and emotional well being,you have to give way for free flow of "good thinking practice" which helps you think positively and hence, act positively in relations to your normal everyday activities.

In essence, thinking good breeds eating good, good health, positive acts and generally makes you feel good.

Other ways you can help yourself be in control of your feelings are;

Believe in the goodness of your existence.

Clear your mind off your worries and concentrate on things you can do become more fulfilled and happier.

Set goals for your self.

Prioritize your steps at achieving your set goals.

Don't ever think yourself as a failure.

Do not accept defeat over any endeavour.

Keep moving,don't stop until you achieve your goal.

Believe in yourself.

Ensure you really have a passion for the activities you do before proceeding.

Remember,if you are still in doubt about any of the things I've mentioned above,

pause,take a deep breath in,hold it breathe out and rethink.

You will only fulfill your aspirations if you combine positive thoughts with matching actions.

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