Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Perspective makes the change

Thanks to the words of the Universe that fills my presence like a bloom verse. Oh! How stunning our perception of issues, situations  and events can change things for better or for worse.  The way you view a circumstance or a situation, determines the success you can achieve in managing the situation. Your view point on any issue or circumstance, greatly affects your mindset, thoughts and actions to follow, and that is why a positive mindset towards situations all good or bad; is most beneficial.  It is always best to  make an effort to examine the positive aspects of an event or a situation, even though, may seem unclear.

Your perspective or point of view, can subjectively colour your interpretation of events and circumstances, particularly when you focus primarily on how it affects you in the short term. Our perception affects almost every aspect of our lives, from simple conversations  to individual belief systems. Perception affects  your attitudes and overall disposition towards everything. Hence,  allowing a positive outlook will help you work towards turning things round and making the best of every situation you find yourself.  If you  perceive life negatively, your sub conscious mind tends to know and think only of the sorrows, darkness, failures and trials therein, that when happiness comes, your perception will not allow your consciousness apprehend and recognise it.  There is no doubt however, that the true state of your personal affairs may be worrisome, but perceiving it as "insurmountable",  is  greater harm, than looking differently, perhaps more positively, as to how to deal with the difficult situation.

Most times, positive outlook promotes positive attitudes towards situations, events and circumstances, which will help you face life challenges with courage and optimism.  When you travel new paths and embark on new journeys with courage, faith and vigour, your abilities will soar, and triumphant you will become. There is so much guidance around you when you look through problems and difficulties with faith and optimism, as it helps rebuild your trust in getting back to shape. Your thoughts will begin to mould towards the direction you have set your energies, and your actions will be dictated by your positively self-carved motivations.  

Sometimes, all it requires to see your life glow, may just be a change in your thoughts and old ways of doing things. Perhaps this will open doors to see an all new you, previously dusted  with false beliefs, making you think you were not capable of newer, greater achievements.

Thursday, 13 September 2012


How many times have you reminded yourself about that project or goal you've just put on hold or shoved off ?  How many appointments have you called off or simply ignored because you thought it was better if scheduled for later, possibly another time more suitable or appropriate? Don't you forget, there may never be a suitable time until you are ready to make one available.

When you begin to postpone project  start date, shift appointment time unjustifiably, and make alterations on your 'to-do' list without concrete actions, you will be alarmed, when  you look back at time,  how needlessly, you've put it to so much misuse.

Now and then, when it pops to mind that you are procrastinating a project or something of that sort, and probably tell yourself "it's time I stopped procrastinating this project", possibly due to an urge to do something, an inspiration from someone else's  achievement or  just a personally induced  set plan to begin taking actions. This sort of feeling could  indeed produce an action that  could make massive difference you've always craved, rather than sitting on your marvellous dreams and aspirations all in the name of some flimsy excuses you may never get over, until you prepare to get over your fear and step beyond your comfort  zone. Not until that step is taken, the feeling, may well just be as meaningless.    

At this point, when you finally decide to take action, recognising and nurturing  the feeling of power and positivity comes as important as actually stepping out to make those very first crucial moves. Whether what you need to do, is drafting a list of requirements, set out and plan your goals and objectives in a smart, realistic and chronological order, or even a phone call to get it all started, putting in a meaningful action, is definitely a critical step to take, if your dream must become a reality.

No doubt many people procrastinate due to a general blame on time or sometimes, lack of fund to execute their projects or manage their goals. However, in true practicalities these more often than not, are not genuine reasons those projects couldn't  be implemented. This is because it takes readiness, courage , creativity and determination to find ways of reaching a dream land, rather than waiting endlessly in sheer expectation without any invention, to clear a regular , conventional path. Always blame yourself  and nothing else, anytime you procrastinate on your goals needlessly. For you to achieve anything , you must be prepared to take actions, face challenges and also take risks , at every single stage in developing, planning and achieving your goals.  It must be noted that it is not the grandest of action that will make things happen, rather, it is the positive, regular, focused tiny steps you begin to take that defines  where and how your dreams will lead.  Knowing how to formulate  your actions for successful implementation of your plans is highly important, with an added  tint of creativity in manipulating whatever comes your way, always to your advantage as much as you can, and most of all, your determination to succeed, will be a platform to build your actions and thoughts  on.